Weluvducsoha is a religion, one co-founded by me, high cleve-molestor zoel, and high cleve-molestor Betty.
The ultimate goal of our religion is to
1) avoid being reincarnated as a bug
2) take a nap
3) Conquer the world
4) Retake Jerusalem
Of course all religious organizations need a way to exploit the masses so we have taken up selling the droppings of
He by the way is our god...
He has a name, but we can't say it.
That's why we call him he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-happens-to-be-a-city-in-Illinois.
Along with an almost all-powerful God, our religion also has a very powerful
religious Hierarchy.
Plus, we also have a bunch of
religious texts and dogmatic laws.
Currently Weluvducsoha is fighting a sparadic war against the well established heretical sect,
THE PEOPLE WHO LIKE PIE. PIE is a fiendishly evil group that is both threatened by and uses evil gnomes for their own nefarious ends, and they inisist that she-who-shall-not-be-named-but-happens-to-be-a-city-in-Illinois is infact he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-happens-to-be-a-city-in-Illinois, and that the true name of our great duck diety is ______ and not _________!
Oh, yeah, you still can't know the name, so I guess that doesn't help much in exposing PIEist blasphemy...
Speaking of such, Weluvducsoha has numerous
sects, some more eccentric than others, including the aforementioned THE PEOPLE WHO LIKE PIE.
Also, we have taken up calling people names and established the orders of the "ultimalte good people" and the "ultimate evil people." To learn more about
good v evil, click here.