Dogmatic laws and religious texts
In the name of religious purity, and ultimate perfection, Weluvducsoha has set up a bunch of dogmatic laws which if you follow will increase the chance of your avoiding the places of eternal suffering.
Some of the most important dogmatic laws are:
- Thou shall not sing along to the evil song which shall not be named!
- Thou shall not hold the company of persons of three sexes.
- All persons of three sexes shall be comdemned to the planet of eternal sodemy.
- If you are condemned by a co-founder of the religion, you can only be un-condemned by a co-founded of the religion...
- ...It has to be that co-founder, not the other one.
- Co-founders of the religion cannot be condemned.
- If at any point in time the founders of the religion want to declare themselves the rulers of the universe, they can and they are.
- Ian can be back in the religion if he agrees to write the book of Clevenisis so that we can have some clearly non-sensical statements about the origin of the universe. (note for Ian: It would be preferable if you maintained that the earth was shaped like an avocado.)
- The meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is most definatly 42
- The world will end in Ninteen Eighty Seven
- Cats are better then dogs, soha!
- Thou shalt not deny that 9x6=42
- All your base
- Are belong to us.
Along with the dogmatic laws, cleve-people are expected to read and follow the teachings of the following religious texts: