Ianism is that peculiar branch of Weluvdusoha founded by Ian. He was driven to invent his own unique form of Weluvducsoha by the desore for new religious freedoms, his need to worship he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-happens-to-be-a-city-in-illinois, and his desire to become a high cleve-molestor.
The ianists have a peculiar intrest in the genisis of the universe (plural if so).
Discoveries they claim to have discovered from he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-happens-to-be-a-city-in-illinois currently include that:
- All life forms were created from the eggs of hwsnbnbhtbacii, but the eggs humans came from were rotton.
- Demons were defecated down by cleveland to punish the humans while they were yet on earth.
- The original cleve-people were jews, though they have become followers of yaweh since.
- The jews do, however, still carry their beak-like noses inherited from hwsnbnbhtbacii.
Ianism is distinct form the rest of Weluvducsoha in that traditional cleve-people either do not hold the same beliefs about the formation of the universe, or could care less.
Current Ianists include: