The Doctrine of Tolerance
For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
[The King James Version]
For the clarification of doctrine and for the better knowing of all true servants of SWMNBN. For the affirmation of the third of the precepts laid out in the book of thinking, which some have doubted though none have denied, and which may also be called the Doctrine of Tolerance: The third of the precepts is thus, that all deserve forbearance, even those whom are not forbearing.
Thus sayith HCM Zoel and all the true saints in affirmation, thus sayith SWMNBN
Consider the case of a man who by some terms has been enlightened and hath come to knowledge of the true Doctrine of tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, for it is true knowledge, being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. But this man did not truly come into the light and knowledge of the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, but instead came to only a half knowledge of this precept thinking only the part that sayith, ‘that all deserve forbearance.’ And this man did not come into knowledge of the second half of Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, which doth also state, ‘even those who are not forbearing.’ And instead this man thought that perhaps those who are not forbearing do not deserve such forbearance as is laid out in the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts.
Now on a certain day this so-called tolerant man, though he was not truly tolerant having learnt only half of the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, looked out and saw another man coming to visit him. Now the so-called tolerant man looked out and said to himself, “Ah, here is coming a man who is violent and unkind and who says all sorts of mean things about his enemies. He is not tolerant like myself. I must brace myself and prepare myself so that when he comes I shall be ready. For surely I must correct this man and tell him that he does not do what is right and what is true knowledge given from the mouth of SWMNBN, but that he does what is wrong.” So, when the not tolerant man comes to the house of the so-called tolerant man what shall he find? Surely he shall enter into the house of the so-called tolerant man and at once the so-called tolerant man will speak to him about the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts. And the so-called tolerant man will speak all sorts of words against the not tolerant man. So the not tolerant man will discover thus of the so-called tolerant man, that he is violent and unkind and that he says all sorts of mean things about his enemies. I tell you, the not tolerant man will leave the house of the so-called tolerant man in disgust. It would have been better if he had not come at all.
But consider the case of a man who by some terms has been enlightened and hath come to knowledge of the true Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, for it is true knowledge, being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. And this man truly came into the light and knowledge of the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, and came into a whole knowledge of this precept thinking of it wholly as it sayith, ‘that all deserve forbearance, even those whom are not forbearing.’ And this man came into knowledge of the second half of the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, which doth state, ‘even those who are not forbearing.’ And this man knew that certainly those who are not forbearing deserve such forbearance as is laid out in the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts.
Now on a certain day this truly tolerant man, for he was truly tolerant having learnt the whole Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, looked out and saw another man coming to visit him. Now the truly tolerant man looked out and said to himself, “Ah, here is coming a man who is violent and unkind and who says all sorts of mean things about his enemies. He is not tolerant like myself. I must brace myself and prepare myself so that when he comes I shall be ready. For surely I shall correct this man not with words but with deeds and I shall be a shining example of what is right and what is true knowledge given from the mouth of SWMNBN, then he may see what he does is wrong.” So when the not tolerant man comes to the house of the truly tolerant man, what shall he find? Surely he shall enter into the house of the truly tolerant man and at once the truly tolerant man will show himself to be a shining example of what is right and what is true knowledge given from the mouth of SWMNBN. And the truly tolerant man will not speak all sorts of words against the not tolerant man but will show him by deeds what is right and what is true knowledge given from the mouth of SWMNBN. So the not tolerant man will discover thus of the truly tolerant man, that he is not violent nor unkind and that he does not say all sorts of mean things about his enemies. I tell you, the not tolerant man will leave the house of the truly tolerant man in wonder. It shall be better then if he had not come at all.
Thus is the meaning of the proverb. Because the so-called tolerant man did not follow the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, the not tolerant man left in disgust and it would have been better if he had not come at all. But because the truly tolerant man did follow the Doctrine of Tolerance, which is the third of the precepts, the not tolerant man left in wonder and it was better then if he had not come at all.
Thus sayith HCM Zoel and all the true saints in affirmation, thus sayith SWMNBN