Herein being the recorded thoughts of one of the co-founders, being Zoel. Herein being the account of certain ideas and philosophies that are necessary for the understanding of the truly meritous life. Herin being the wisdom and the folly of one of the great followers of SWMNBN. Herein and as follows being the word of SWMNBN as granted to Zoel and thence passed onto the loyal Cleve-People. Herein the Pieists being of neither sound mind nor judgment being affirmed in destitution to their just realm of eternal suffering. Herin the Rocker Sect also being found lacking in the precepts of SWMNBN may be condemned to their realm of punishment; their condemnation is just.
Thus sayith HCM Zoel and all the true saints in affirmation, thus sayith SWMNBN
On a matter of making accounts, it is necessary that the doctrine of the one in the sky, SWMNBN, be put in order. It is necessary that a clear and precise record be made of all that is known that it may serve for the further benefit of the whole of the true Cleve-People. It is necessary, then, to put forth this text to enlighten those who are our followers upon the basic precepts.
So I have found, being Zoel
The first of the precepts is thus, that all knowledge is lacking and that which is lacking shall pass away. We may learn from the precepts many good things, for it is true wisdom, being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. The precept then shows us all of these things that we might become more and more like the followers of the true way. The precept does suggest a thing called knowledge. Knowledge being that which is acquired and affirmed through the process of thinking and reasoning and observing. So then, this knowledge, the precept affirms that it is truly lacking. This lack being a cursed thing and a necessary condition of being apart for a time from the true way. What shall come of this lacking is a fading away of that which was found lacking. This we learn from the precept: That all which is acquired and affirmed through thinking and reasoning and observing shall pas away. And when it is away, something new must come in its place. This something new is the light of the true way, revealed to the followers of SWMNBN. This is the first of the precepts.
The second of the precepts is thus, that belief in SWMNBN is either knowledge or that it is not knowledge. We may learn from the precepts many good things, for it is true wisdom, being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. The precept then shows us all of these things that we may become more and more like the followers of the true way. The precept does suggest a thing called belief. Belief being that which is held, having a presence in the mind of the believer. So then, this precept acknowledges that belief in SWMNBN is either knowledge or it is not. What shall come of this being knowledge, or of not being knowledge. As the first precept does affirm, knowledge is lacking and shall pass away. If then belief is knowledge, it shall pass away because it is found lacking. That is if that which is held, having a presence in the mind of the believer is acquired and affirmed through thinking and reasoning and observing it shall pass away. And when this belief hath passed away, something new must come in its place. This something new is either belief that is not knowledge, or if all belief is knowledge, no belief. This something new is the light of the true way, revealed to the followers of SWMNBN. This is the second of the precepts.
The third of the precepts is thus, that all deserve forbearance, even those whom are not forbearing. We may learn from the precepts many good things, for it is true wisdom, being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. This precept shows us all of these things that we might become more and more like the followers of the true way. This precept does suggest a thing called forbearance. Forbearance being not rash and violent acts, but rather humble and decent acts towards those whom you oppose. So then, this forbearance, the precept affirms that it is truly necessary. The precept also affirms that this forbearance remains even when not being found. That is, as the precept affirms, even for those whom are not forbearing. Thus, this forbearance must come to all true followers of SWMNBN bringing with it something new in the place of what was before forbearance came. This something new is the light of the true way, revealed to the followers of SWMNBN. This is the third of the precepts.
The fourth of the precepts is thus, that obedience of the dogmatic laws and holy texts either comes from belief in SWMBNB or that it does come from belief in SWMNBN. We may learn from the precepts many good things, for it is true wisdom being given from the mouth of SWMNBN. This precept shows us all of these things that we might become more and more like the followers of the true way. This precept does suggest a thing called obedience. Obedience being a pressing of the mind to do one thing which is according to the law and not to do another which is contrary. So then, this precept acknowledges that obedience either comes from belief or it does not come from belief. What shall come of this being of belief or not of belief . As the second precept does affirm, belief is knowledge and knowledge shall pass away. That is if what is pressing on the mind to do or not to do comes from that which is held, having a presence in the mind then it shall pass away. And when it hath passed away, something new must come in its place. This something new is either obedience which does not come of belief, or if all obedience comes of belief, no obedience. This something new is the light of the true way, revealed to the followers of SWMNBN. This is the fourth of the precepts.